Friday, May 2, 2008

Persuasive Analysis Summary #3

The preceding ad, created by BAN, advertises a innovative type of deodorant. Most teenage girls have problems trying to unearth the perfect deodorant so BAN created a new deodorant called Solids; some deodorants make girls suffer from perspiration and putrid smells. Well, BAN guarantees that Solid will “keep you fresher than ever to protect you from the attention you don’t need.” The deodorant also comes in fresh scents such as Paradise Breeze. BAN also formed a way to get its consumers involved with the advertisement of the product. Girls have the opportunity to make an ad related to the deodorant and feature it on the BAN Brand website.

{Once again, Parry sorry for it being so short. It was another magazine article so I didnt have a lot to base my summary off of}

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