In 1991, the captivating theme of Beauty and the Beast was written and composed by the brilliant collaboration of Howard Ashman and Alan Menken. Since its creation, “Beauty and Beast” has become a world-renowned theme song recognized by countries across the globe. The original composition of the song has been altered several times to accommodate the different levels of pianist. Despite the different variations, the song always contains its original charm and beauty.
I chose to do a cover of the song because the movie, Beauty and Beast, has touched me on a personal level since I was a child. The song not only addresses love, but of the difficulty to accept and love something unusual and unfamiliar. Howard Ashman (lyricist) attempts to capture the thought that at some point in life, everyone is fearful of love. Beauty and the Beast, in general, is a traditional classical piece that captures the essence of the heart. The mood of the song is both enchanting and haunting. Quite a few individuals have been noted to cry during the song because it inflicts such great emotions on the soul.
The arrangement that I follow was fairly simple compared to the original composition. However, covering the song was not based on the difficulty; it was about capturing the beauty of every single note regardless if the original composition was composed of complex chords or progressions. Hopefully, the cover will affect the hearts of listeners the way the original touched the hearts of millions.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Beauty and the Beast Free Choice #1
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