Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Talent Show (Cultural Event Summary)

Talent shows are the single event that high school students get motivated about each year. On April 11, Fort Dorchester High School held their annual talent show in the gymnasium. This year the talent show was funded and supported by the African American Studies Club. To outshine the traditional announcers from past talent shows, the brilliant minds of the club decided to have the announcers impersonate celebrities, such as, Ne-Yo, Beyonce, Ludacris, Soulja Boy, and Chris Brown.

In addition to these non-orthodox but humorous announcers, came a wonderful wave of talent. The talents of each performer ranged from dancing to signing. Some groups were even part of local bands. Each group of contestants applied to the talent show for recognition and the grand-prize of cash money. The performances continued for a time span of about two class periods. In the end, an R&B group called ADT won the grand prize. However, this proved not to be the end of the festivities. Shortly after the last performance, a local group that goes by the name of Primetime performed. Most students were astounded by their guest star appearance, while others considered themselves to be lost in translation. Overall, the African American Studies Club hosted an appealing and entertaining talent show. To many students it surpassed the quality of past talent shows. This complex club may have broken the opinion of the traditional and more acceptable versions of talent shows.

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